Recreating various outside situations(hungry,thirsty,stuck,etc,etc) results in invisibility and speed,omnipotence,superpeople,geniuses,youngness,changing you and reality,personally affecting reality,your mind returning to the past (time travel).The elements.Vitamins,metals and minerals.Eating or drinking the same food again and again or a combination of things or not eating or drinking enough.Surrounding things or farther,farthest away things.People who are acidic,nervous,shitty and others are being assalted,bleeding and puking acid.Each thing personally affects reality example-eating salt and then being assalted.The parts of the spectrum of each thing that have the opposite reaction to the parts of the spectrums which cause aging,retards,sickness,etc,etc and there's the other parts in the middle (example-the berry spectrum has the healthiest berries and poisonous berries and the other berries in the middle).The soaps are killing people,the nerve and skin damage, feeling hot,dizzy,throbbing,burning and sick?Peoples bodies are being damaged and aged by the soaps,shampoos,hot tubs,swimming pools,stress,working,gravity,infections,viruses,bacteria,loud sounds,rubs,creams,pills,food,beverages,etc,etc.People are travelling to the future and to the past.People are sending messages to the future and to the past.Each reaction has an equal and opposite reaction.Draining energy,absorbing energy or releasing particles and energy.Various materials and shapes.Aliens,people are visiting and leaving this world.Blood samples and contacted materials to get peoples DNA,cloning,growing,making,genetically modifying and using the copies.The souls of the dead and others are going into other peoples bodies to be young and healthy.Some people know other peoples thoughts and are communicating telepathically and are controlling peoples minds and bodies and murdering people.They're waking people and causing sleeping problems and deaths.Communicating through nightmares,sticking what feels pins and hot objects into the genitals.People are using other people to say their thoughts.Your suspicious,nature's etc examples,stuck in this nest.The TV creeps and others accusing and causing murders of people watching and listening by saying,words and images.Iran Read This And This - The American People Do Not Want A War On Iran!!!
Iran Read This And This - The American People Do Not Want A War On Iran!!!pro-russian streamer on twitch
There's a pro-russian streamer on twitch from Moscow, who's trying to expand his influence, promote his pro-russian audience to western streamers.kotchan invitational threada
Greetings from kotchan, we're kots there.Brilliant minds
The causes of having a genius,omnipotence,superpeople,great minds.To get a starship.A replicator.A miracle.The need.Air smog.Each thing has a spectrum.The parts of the spectrum of each thing that have the opposite reaction to the parts of the spectrums which cause aging,retards,sickness,etc,etc and there's the other parts in the middle (example - the berry spectrum has the healthiest berries and poisonous berries and the other berries in the middle).Cravings.The elements.Vitamins,metals and minerals.By taking a supplement.Eating or drinking the same thing again and again or a combination of things or not eating or drinking much.Problems to get,find or make foods.Having smart or physical body's to get the things eaten.Processed and natural foods.Magic
Each thing personally affects reality.Example-eating salt and then being assalted.Find which thing and pick the categories,words,letters and symbols and get the answer to any question or not pick the words and the words that are remaining or farthest away are the answer.Find which thing and do magic.Thinking thoughts,snapping or pointing your fingers and a book with the information appears or the thing you were thinking of appears.The elements.Vitamins and minerals.Eating or drinking the same food again and again or a combination of things or not eating or drinking enough.Write a paragraph of information about subjects.Get the answer by connecting the words and other things,specifying,adding words to the words,correcting the errors,synonyms.Magic
Each thing personally affects reality.Example-eating salt and then being assalted.Find which thing and pick the categories,words,letters and symbols and get the answer to any question or not pick the words and the words that are remaining or farthest away are the answer.Find which thing and do magic.Thinking thoughts,snapping or pointing your fingers and a book with the information appears or the thing you were thinking of appears.The elements.Vitamins and minerals.Eating or drinking the same food again and again or a combination of things or not eating or drinking enough.Write a paragraph of information about subjects.Get the answer by connecting the words and other things,specifying,adding words to the words,correcting the errors,synonyms.I need a helping hand
Let me tell you from the start. I am with crypto since I was in class 7. And its been already 8-9 years, I haven't hold anything yet. But day by day, crypto become the most favourite things of mine.■■■ Hint: Uruguay / Уругвай (new home) for ukranians
--- Sorry for the English, I'm not familiar with Cyrillic writing ---The damaging soaps.People are barely sweating.
People aren't sweating or barely sweating and the causes are the soaps,creams,rubs,swimming pools,hot tubs,etc,etc.The nerve and skin damage.Feeling hot,burning,throbbing,puffy,dizzy and sick.Itchy skin.The dry flaky skin.Rigid skin.Stuck with fingernail indentations.People aren't tanning.Monster scar faces.People are being balded by the shampoo,white hairs and grey hairs.The damage to our bodies is causing aging.People are dying and suicides.Blinding headaches,brain aneurysms and brain damage.People are being infected by the food and beverages and the poop and infection is stuck in the digestive tract and people smell snake venom.The beverages,injections,pills and foods are causing reproductive harm,impotence and sterility.Air bubbles in fluids in IV bags,tubes and syringes is being injected into people causing strokes and deaths.Dentists and surgeons are causing nerve damage,people are stuck with numb faces,chests and other body parts.The numbness bothers people as much as tooth pain.People are being euthanized at hospitals and hospices.Hospital devices radiation damage.Operating table and bed murders.Loud music in the cars backseat and ear drops are causing deafness.People are being poisoned,burned,infected,plugged,numbed,brain tumors,blinded,damaged,aged,crippled and balded by the shampoo,pills,gravity,working,stress,soaps,creams,rubs,people,viruses,bacteria,mouthwash,nasal cleaners,eyedrops,beverages and foods.Sniffing deaths.Pins,etc,etc in the food and beverages.Brilliant minds
The causes of having a genius,omnipotence,superpeople,great minds.To get a starship.A replicator.A miracle.The need.Air smog.Each thing has a spectrum.The parts of the spectrum of each thing that have the opposite reaction to the parts of the spectrums which cause aging,retards,sickness,etc,etc and there's the other parts in the middle (example - the berry spectrum has the healthiest berries and poisonous berries and the other berries in the middle).Cravings.The elements.Vitamins,metals and minerals.By taking a supplement.Eating or drinking the same thing again and again or a combination of things or not eating or drinking much.Problems to get,find or make foods.Having smart or physical body's to get the things eaten.Processed or natural foods.Brilliant minds
The causes of having a genius,omnipotence,superpeople,great minds.To get a starship.A replicator.A miracle.The need.Air smog.Each thing has a spectrum.The parts of the spectrum of each thing that have the opposite reaction to the parts of the spectrums which cause aging,retards,sickness,etc,etc and there's the other parts in the middle (example - the berry spectrum has the healthiest berries and poisonous berries and the other berries in the middle).Cravings.The elements.Vitamins,metals and minerals.By taking a supplement.Eating or drinking the same thing again and again or a combination of things or not eating or drinking much.Problems to get,find or make foods.Having smart or physical body's to get the things eaten.Processed and natural foods.Superpeople
Recreating various outside situations(hungry,thirsty,stuck,etc,etc) results in invisibility and speed,omnipotence,superpeople,geniuses,youngness,altering you and reality,personally affecting reality,your mind returing to the past(time travel).The elements.Vitamins,metals and minerals.Eating or drinking the same food again and again or a combination of things or not eating or drinking much.Surrounding things or farther away things.People who are acidic,nervous,shitty and others are being assalted,bleeding and puking acid.Each thing personally affects reality example-eating salt and then being assalted.The parts of the spectrum of each thing that have the opposite reaction to the parts of the spectrums which cause aging,retards,sickness,etc,etc and there's the other parts in the middle (example-the berry spectrum has healthy berries and poisonous berries and the other berries in the middle).The soaps are killing people,the nerve and skin damage, feeling hot,dizzy,throbbing,burning and sick?Peoples bodies are being damaged and aged by the soaps,shampoos,hot tubs,swimming pools,stress,working,gravity,infections,viruses,bacteria,loud sounds,rubs,creams,pills,food,beverages,etc,etc.People are travelling to the future and to the past.People are sending messages to the future and to the past.Each reaction has an equal and opposite reaction.Draining energy,absorbing energy or releasing energy.Various materials and shapes.Aliens,people are visiting this world.Blood samples and contacted materials to get peoples DNA,cloning,growing,making,genetically modifying and using the copies.The souls of the dead and others are going into other peoples bodies to be young and healthy.Some people know other peoples thoughts and are communicating telepathically and are controlling peoples minds and bodies and murdering people.They're waking people and causing sleeping problems and deaths.Communicating through nightmares,sticking what feels pins and hot objects into the genitals.People are using other people to say their thoughts.Your suspicious,nature's etc examples,stuck in this nest.The TV creeps and others accusing and causing murders of people watching and listening by saying,words and images.TOTAL CATHOKIKE DEATH
Cathokikes are responsible for pushing Big Bangsoyjaks uncensored sharty no rules no jannies no tranniesMurders
Fraud government criminals planning the shootings in Ottawa and other cities.Hit lists.Thousands of names.Planning hits all the time.They know the time and place people are going to be at.People are being watched.They're sending messages to the past and to the future.They're sending people they control to do the shootings.To get what people have and have coming.The land,house and the money.They're butting into peoples private lives.Stablecoin
Perpetual Stablecoin: Looking for Specialists to Counter the Coming Financial CrisisSabrina Carpenter's Leaks
I have been looking everywhere now for the last two years for her Leaks and have no luck on the clearweb well from the usual places and have no idea where else to look for them and I know they are real cos I've not nor have I ever seen the picture used for the sampler teaser anywhere online like any of her social media sites and like to ask if anyone here has any ideas where else I could look for them.The Black Problem
Important and uncensored information on the black problem.Coronavirus in your country
In my country, it is required to show a photo ID and vaccination proof to dine in restaurants. I lied today to the coffee woman that it was my second shot, because my vaccine card is ambiguous about it./ukr/
Вітаю і запрошую вас приєднатися до українського дженералу на форчанівському /int/!Football threda
The national football team of Ukraine has just reached the quarterfinals of Euro-2021 thanks to a goal in the 120+1 minute of the match "Ukraine — Sweden" (2:1). On July 3 at 22:00 our team will play against England for a place in the semifinals.Українська мова
Здравствуйте, братья Украинцы. Я родом с Украины, но когда началась всё эта херь на майдане, мои родители приняли решение переехать в Россию. Я это к чему, дело в том, что я за 5 лет (Чуть меньше трети моей жизни) практически забыл свой родной язык. Есть какой-то способ его быстро довести до вменяемого уровня? (Перевод на Украинский и Английский был сделан переводчиком, сильно не бейте)Invitation to the Webring
Hey Ukraine friends,Policeman = faggot
Today I was detained by police for driving without a license, documents and license plates. Yes, I am guilty, no doubt, but what a degenerate creature is a policeman.Do Bezos dream of electric memes?
I started having very vivid dreams relatively recently (a little bit over a month ago, about). It started out with nightmares, although that's thankfully fizzled out.Starting a business in Europe
I'm looking to start a technology oriented company in the near future in Eastern Europe or the Balkans. I was wondering if any1 could give me some perspective or recommendations on possible choices, or in general.Putin — khuilo
Today is the 7th of October, which means that Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin has a birthday.Aliens - sacrificial cattle for slaughter.
Aliens won't help you. For they are food too. The Great Ancient Sleeper awakens. A chthonic Deity that has been sleeping for millions of years.Rant
You know something that really pisses me off?Как свергнуть власть - за 1 день.
Что вам нужно? Давайте прикинем. Захватить государственное учреждение. К примеру банк. А потом выдвинуть требования. Всем олигархам и миллионерам в государстве. Раздать все свои деньги гражданам. И все свое имущество тоже. После такого заявления - в любом государстве депутаты и т.д. Начнут прыгать из окон и т.д. Ибо весь народ сразу подержит эту идею. Большая его часть.**Hack this piece of shit and get a reward!**
The Ministry of Finance announced the launch of the Bug Bounty application "Action" in November. Anyone who can hack the app will receive a million as a gift. This was stated by Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov on October 9 on the air of the program "Freedom of Speech of Savik Shuster" on the channel "Ukraine", reports APnews.Returning the favor...
Thought I would return the favor of nichan posting on diaperbooru/b. Anyone into diapers/abdl, check out: