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/int/ - I had an Amicus keychain that my bf gave me. I suppose it fell out or was ripped off my keys when I wasn't aware, because it's just not there anymore. I feel weirdly sad and more devastated about it than I should probably be. <tinyboard flag>us</tinyboa

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File: 1619749286126.png (67.77 KB, 1280x720, wojak-wine.png)  


I had an Amicus keychain that my bf gave me. I suppose it fell out or was ripped off my keys when I wasn't aware, because it's just not there anymore.

I feel weirdly sad and more devastated about it than I should probably be.


File: 1619902552961.jpg (298.15 KB, 1536x2048, EewhnxoXoAQHgPj.jpg)  

I gift you a new one, don't be sad bro.


How could I lose it? My bf got it for me after all, and I never even noticed when it fell off.