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/int/ - Thanks to gorona, I won't be able to visit my Ukrainian friends from nichan

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File: 1593284966169.jpg (5.81 KB, 230x219, crying-apu.jpg)  


Thanks to gorona, I won't be able to visit my Ukrainian friends from nichan


Hi, anon.


Well, the quarantine won't kast forever, will it?




We can always visit our Ukrainian frens on nichan.net/int/


don't underestimate its power :/


wait, are you really from Maduroland?


Evil Rossiyans will try to shut this place down.


They won't. There's no reason to shut down Nichan. At least now.


pa k kieres saber eso jaja saludos


File: 1597505129172.jpg (109.76 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20200815_11_27_39_Pro.jpg)  

yes, I am


Wow. And how are things in Venezuela?


All is fine


better than in belarus :v


Belarus is currently undergoing processes that are inherent in every country that is forming its own democratic society. But they lack a national leader. Tikhanovskaya won, but I'm not sure if she will be able to lead the country forward.


nice eyes you have dude


you cannot see it clearly c'mon


meh, at least i've got good imagination


Well, djakuju ^^


Why the fuck is a Venezualian on an Ukrainian imageboard?


Why the fuck is a Françh on an Ukrainian imageboard?


Why the fuck is a Ukrainian on an Ukrainian imageboard?


Why the fuck this imageboard is Ukrainian?


Why the fuck this imageboard is imageboard?


Why the fuck is a furry on a Slav imageboard?


Why the fuck is a Slav on a furry imageboard?


What a good question, mah nigga.


Because we can it.


Frantsiya tse Ukraina.


France is Ukraine.


Why not?