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/int/ - Greetings, my fellow shitposters. I was just wondering, what is the general opinion here on russia, crimea and the things that are happening the east right recently?

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Greetings, my fellow shitposters.
I was just wondering, what is the general opinion here on russia, crimea and the things that are happening the east right recently?


> what is the general opinion here on russia, crimea
Kill them with fire.
> the things that are happening the east right recently
Do you mean protests in Belarus?


>general opinion here on russia


This place will have to go through a deep cleansing after it's returned home. Will need to get rid of all the russian pigs that moved in there.

>east right recently

If you're talking about Belarus, relative to us it's not East, but North.


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by east I mean Donbass etc.
My guess would be that Ukrainians will have a very negative attitude against russia because of what they do to you right now.
But then again, imageboards are famous for being full of people who often have "alternative" opinions on things and often dont go with the mainstream flow.
So I was wondering what kinds of people will I find here.

>pics unrelated


National imageboards are usually pretty nationalistic in general. Ukrainian one is no exception.

Glory to Ukraine, fuck the our clown president and fuck rashka.


Is porn allowed in here?