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/int/ - Come on guys, step it up, we need to make this board just slightly faster/more active. I ain't saying it's got to be anywhere like Casey (God-forbid), but it'd be nice to go away for a few days and come back and see at least one new threda. <tinyboa

/int/ - International

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Come on guys, step it up, we need to make this board just slightly faster/more active. I ain't saying it's got to be anywhere like Casey (God-forbid), but it'd be nice to go away for a few days and come back and see at least one new threda.


Hi there. Yep, that's a great idea indeed, I said a few times on /b/ that we should post on /int/ more often (especially Ukrainians). Altho, I don't have much time for imageboards at all in the last time, but I'll give a try to post more here.

Have a good time there.


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Ok, now this thread is Nichan-catboy offtop-news agency


>Ok, now this thread is Nichan-catboy offtop-news agency

Explain this to me, for I do not understand mysterious Bri'ish soul.


I am a Ukrainian with a VPN, lol.


Why won't they post here? Is it because they can't type in English, maybe?


Probably because of the significant cultural borders between Ukrainians and foreigners. In my opinion, it is necessary to unite anons (Ukrainian and foreign) with some business or topic.


Really? While I get that there are cultural differences, I never particularly felt like Ukrainians were so alien, and I've spoken to some a good bit (on Casey's /int/ and on here).


IMHO, it's because this board is super slow, even if you look at /b. On the main page it says there were 11 unique posters today, if you take into account cross devise usage, it's probably at least 30% lower than that.
So there are not a lot of people who could possibly post here, to begin with.


Ukrainian boards are generally very slow. Sadly, not many Ukrainians are willing to speak Ukrainian online. People on our boards are extreme minority, even among imageboard visitors.


>11 unique posters

So basically, /int/ is made up of what appears to be two Ukrainians (3 max), one Venezuelan, and myself. Feels lonely.


On the other hand, you can look at it as sort of a private club.


Ooh, that is a good way of thinking about it actually. And it really is cozy in here.