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/int/ - Cleaning my room I found my high school notebooks and checking them I found this: My first attempt to write the Cyrillic Alphabet by heart KEK

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Cleaning my room I found my high school notebooks
and checking them I found this: My first attempt to write the Cyrillic Alphabet by heart


Rarity, lol. However, something is missing here.
Ґґ, Єє, Її


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why did you need Cyrillic at school?


>at school?
I did that for fun, out of boredom (it was in the last page, with drawings and shit)


It is cyrillic, yes, but I'm not sure what language does that set of letters belong to.

It surely lacks some Ukrainian letters, but it also has some of the non-slavic characters. What is that?


It's Kazakh
(I used to be obsessed with the Kazakh language back then; and no, I didn't know about Borat)


Very nice, Bezos.

Reminds me of how I used to write in a shitty cipher when I was in high school/uni. Did you do the sames with what you attempted with Cyrillic?


not really, Cyrillic is too similar to do that
(I used the Arabic script for that :v)
I was indeed learning Kazakh back then, but as there weren't enough sources in Spanish I stopped (In high school my English was very limited)


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Why/how did you become infatuated with Kazakh? Sounds like there's a story here!


Hard to disagree, lol.


Nothing interesting tbh
Looking for music from other places, I found a Kazakh band
Not good, nod bad, but I felt as if I had already seen those videos before, so I got interested in that band
Then I got more interested in the country and decided to learn that language (but never did it)
that's it
It became like my version of Genet's Egypt, I guess