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/int/ - Today is the Independence Day of Ukraine. We had a big parade in the capital and most of the bigger cities and some other events were held or are to be held later today. It's the largest national holiday we have and most Ukrainians are quite elated today.

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Today is the Independence Day of Ukraine. We had a big parade in the capital and most of the bigger cities and some other events were held or are to be held later today. It's the largest national holiday we have and most Ukrainians are quite elated today. Wish us a good day and may you have one yourself. Glory to Ukraine!

PS: if you're unhappy with us celebrating today, seethe and cope.


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Here's, the logo, as you can see, it's 30th anniversary of our independence that we got when the Soviet Union fell apart.


Open this video on Youtube


Don't be jealaous of those girls, Bezos, you can't walk in step anyways.


30 years! nice :D


We should celebrate independence day on 22 (9) January as well.



Is there a culture of having get-togethers and partying on August 24, in the same way Americans have made a tradition of having cookouts and watching fireworks at a park on July 4th?


There is no "traditional way of celebration" as far as I know. It's a state holiday with parades and fireworks, people get together with friends and family, but everyone does it in his own way.


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Certified milf of a country.