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/int/ - Cathokikes are responsible for pushing Big Bang Cathokikes are responsible for pushing Evolution Cathokikes burns incense to the Queen of Heaven Cathokikes put white men, women, and children to death by fire for not repeating inane Cathokike babblings

/int/ - International

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Cathokikes are responsible for pushing Big Bang
Cathokikes are responsible for pushing Evolution
Cathokikes burns incense to the Queen of Heaven
Cathokikes put white men, women, and children to death by fire for not repeating inane Cathokike babblings
Cathokikes murdered 100s of thousands of white men by sending them to die in a shithole in the desert
Cathokikes are responsible for Islam
Cathokikes stole land of the common white man and turned him into a slave
Cathokikes of the modern day are primarily Spics and SEAmonkeys


I think many traditional people are religious so I will continue going to church and making a community. Maybe you're online too much


>Cathokikes are responsible for Islam


also what the fuck is wrong with country detection? I am not french


I am not american either, is this a joke?


But I am not Czech, I am in Slovakia, kek


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You suck at providing valid points, catholics not responsible for these but but even worse than these. They basically practice paganism and luciferianism therefore they all must get the rope. I dont even speak of sodomy, faggotry, degeneracy that they export. Also megasatanist Pope should get tortured till the last breathe with his kike worshipping cabal

"Kill Them All! God Will Know His Own."


Protestants mutilate newborns.