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/int/ - you guys are complete pussies. You said you wanted a race war, well now it's here and you pathetic incel losers are just sitting at home jacking off. You faggots are all talk. You guys won't do shit because you're nothing but a little pussy! <tinyboard

/int/ - International

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File: 1595035970739.jpg (134.91 KB, 1600x1066, external-content.duckduckg….jpg)  


you guys are complete pussies. You said you wanted a race war, well now it's here and you pathetic incel losers are just sitting at home jacking off. You faggots are all talk. You guys won't do shit because you're nothing but a little pussy!


Lmao wut?

Take your shit to /pol/


Very interesting.



The funniest part is OP's Hong Kong flag, you'd think they would have a problem or two on their own over there.


It's probably a proxy.


I won't be suprised if this guy is really from HK. I've seen a Sudanese on this board, so who knows.


What's a Sudanese?


You lost your flag, man.


And yeah, turn off sage.