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/int/ - Bring out the drinks, the food, and gather round, it's a Friday and Bezos are getting together and hanging.

/int/ - International

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Youtube, Soundcloud, Vocaroo, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Coub, Telegram
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Bring out the drinks, the food, and gather round, it's a Friday and Bezos are getting together and hanging.


Bro, let's have a party on the site cytu.be. We will communicate to music. Nichan, I, a Venezuelan and you. What do you think?


aww yeah
a drink, some chips, the computer...

what's a cytube? (i mean, how does that work?)


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Ok, I'm hanging, join me!


The bottom line is: we are going to that site, and insert a link to the music (youtube, soundcloud). Music is played automatically, we hang out.

You can see here: http://cytu.be


I won't be on my PC tonight


1) This site also works on a smartphone.
2) Not necessarily today. I suggest agreeing on a specific day when we can all get together.


Not a bad idea, we should sometime.


If I were a millionare, I swear I would pay to bring all the Bezos of nichan's /int/ to me, and we'd all live in a giant manor and be friends and hang out on weekends.


This is so cute