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Вітаю і запрошую вас приєднатися до українського дженералу на форчанівському /int/!

Через відносно невелику кількість постерів зі Східної Європи там існував спільний тред для українців, білорусів та р*сіян, але нещодавно ми вкотре розкололися з політичних та культурних причин.


Для закріплення результату потребуємо більшої кількості постерів, можливо ним станеш ти?
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Why are you linking 4channel posts, mister?

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I don't know where else to ask. You know that pixel game spinoff? Click /px/ at the top of the page.

How do I log into my old pixel nichan account? Is it even possible?

The names, as you can see in chat, were randomly determined by IP/cookies(?) and not changeable. I never saw an option to enter a password or email. One day I enter pixel nichan and write "hello again" and immediately see I was assigned a different nametag, then I look, all my pixel count is gone - it's a different account.


I am hope Deimos will respond to (you)



> How do I log into my old pixel nichan account?

You don't. And it's deliberate. Its an anonymous game. Nametag is saved for the session so it's possible to keep track of people within a conversation, but you can't "log in". We are anonymous, after all.


>I am hope


What's the point of pixel count and the milestone badges then? That account lasted a while - as you can see there were 5000 pixels on it over the course of a few months.

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does bezos love chocolate?
I love chocolate !
right now drinking hot chocolate
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Hmm. I have posted on this thread before. How slow this board is.


There is no reason to hurry


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I tried Ritter coconut once and I loved it. I went to the same supermart later to buy more, but despide the fact they had like more than a dozen different flavours, there were no coconut flavour left. Guess, I wasn't the only one who fancy it.


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this board is going at its own pace

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Do you ever post on the nichan from or while at work?


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ちなみに、日本くん。僕はちょっとだけ日本語が知ってる。JLPTを受けずに僕の日本語レベルをどう試したいがいいのかな? 漢字以外では結構上手だと思うのだけれど何かの確認が欲しい。


"IT people" from the institution where i am at dont know how to properly block sites, not even the basics such as 18+


Maybe they don't want to?


>the institution

Maybe they do it on purpose to let people dig their own graves



I have no job.

Open this video on Youtube


G'night, /int/

Please tell me about the sports clubs at your school. I am especially interested in the volleyball club. What clubs have you attended? Does it have a manager? How do you train? Is it true that athletes are popular among schoolgirls?


In my city sports clubs usually are apart from schools yet available for such age. Didn't attended any. In my 28 I am looking almost like I was in my college. Yet I am taking sport nutrition without doing any sports.


Still have no any girlfriend yet would like to be a SpiderMan even to myself just for well feeling. Good body = good brains.
SpiderMan is now a head of corporation while he was a photographer during schooltimes.


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>Please tell me about the sports clubs at your school

I'm no longer in school

>What clubs have you attended?

I used to be in a swim club during my time in high school

>How do you train?

It was one hour of swim training after school

>Is it true that athletes are popular among schoolgirls?

I think this is a stereotype that comes from both American movies and Jap anime. I saw plenty of popular non-athletes, and even unpopular athletes

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Big fat list of imageboards easily sortable.


nichan.net is on it too
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File: 1629312437759.webm (1.05 MB, 448x360, slava_ukraini.webm)  

use google translate lol


Клясика української мемології. Зберегти для нащадків.


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Awww, so cute to see nichan's existence acknowledged


yiff yiff


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I'm back!!
my computer went kaput a week ago, but now I could fix it :3
goodbye savings
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File: 1632257910590.jpg (7.06 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20210921_235024.jpg)  

Good-looking banknotes and interesting placement of inscriptions.

(picrelated: 500 ukrainian hryvnias = $18 = 76 435 699,55 Venezuelan bolivars)


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Are you guys doing currency measuring contest?

Here is 165 bucks, roughly equal to $165


No way


Well cyrillic, gentlemans


Wanted to ask if they are from light plastic, but then remembered the flag

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that's a fucking quality flood.txt


Don't worry, about a thing
'Cause every little thing, gonna be all right...

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Has Bezos ever seen a ghost or experienced anything spooky?
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My dad is a school warden. There was a Nazi hospital camp in World War II, so people talk about ghosts and stuff. One day I came there with my dad and heard some strange spooky sounds. That was scary.




Sadly, I have never experienced anything like that myself. Me and some friends went to a notoriously "haunted" local spot, and we didn't see or hear anything and left after getting bored.


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Ball lightning count as spooky thing?


They are according to my subconsciousness, I had a few nightmares about getting incinerated by them although I never saw one irl.


aww :3

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This is the main thing.


Good. And what is this gray in the middle?


it was supposed to be a building :v


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