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File: 1692063811304.png (963.15 KB, 1549x807, 1685113779041-1.png)  


https://soyjak.fun/ uncensored sharty no rules no jannies no trannies


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matko bosko


File: 1692934306876.png (345.4 KB, 768x719, 7qz7nt.png)  

I'm a tranny and I post there

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It's ok

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XXX collection


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Fraud government criminals planning the shootings in Ottawa and other cities.Hit lists.Thousands of names.Planning hits all the time.They know the time and place people are going to be at.People are being watched.They're sending messages to the past and to the future.They're sending people they control to do the shootings.To get what people have and have coming.The land,house and the money.They're butting into peoples private lives.

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I don't usually joke. but when i do, it would be "TFW No GF"


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File: 1595638924888.png (67.9 KB, 1920x640, KB_Ukrainian_Unicode_2.1.s….png)  


Do you guys unironically use this fucked up keyboard layout for typing Ukrainian? I have been trying for hours to get used to it but fucking hell having to hold alt+7 for typing "?" is a damn pain in the ass
14 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


This is not a Ukrainian keyboard layout. It's some kind of monstrosity that combines what looks like all of Eastern slavic characters on one layout. I never used one.

That's more like a typical Ukrainian layout.


Yeah this is one of those things where no one will agree and find other bezosibny's keyboards very weird and strange to use. I bought a spanish keyboard by mistake the one i had broke and needed something cheap fast to replace it and even though spanish is very similar to my language using their keyboard is a fucking pain, specific keys to my language are missing, some are switched positions and they have those fucking upside down "?" and a dedicated key for "ñ" for some reason, its really awkward.

Oh shit finanon you don't have > and < ? That must be very annoying


You don't tried to type on Slovak keyboard. Not even every Slovak guy knows, how to type big letters with diacritic
(guides from Internet don't work)


The default Windows/MacOS Ukrainian keyboards are fucked up, these people probably never used it.
There are custom layouts that do the job well. It's bascially like ruski keyboard, but with apostrophe instead of "yo" (why the fuck would they include non-existing letter into layout?), Ґ is typed using altgr, but no one cares about it anyway


>Ґ is typed using altgr, but no one cares about it anyway
:c no love for Ґ ?

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Я німець, задавайте питання. Або я просто пійду кудись до біса, актив маленький
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Як тебе вбити, Шереку?


шайсе муші гигиги


Западенець! Слухаю твої питання


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Западенці не люди
Вбив тобі за щоку, перевіряй



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Perpetual Stablecoin: Looking for Specialists to Counter the Coming Financial Crisis

I apologize in advance if this post looks illiterate and misspelled in your language.

This is my first and last post here. Based on available information, our team can no longer postpone the launch of the project. Soon there could be a global financial crisis and a possible sharp depreciation of the dollar and other fiat currencies.

We announce the recruitment of a team of true professionals. A perpetual stabelcoin is being created, the value of which will not depend on any fiat currency and will be based on a number of different parameters. Stablecoin will link digital cryptocurrencies and the real economy.

Our goal is to offer the world a stable alternative that will be resistant to financial fluctuations and crises.

The team now requires:

・Monetarist economists.
・Financial analysts.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


without child pornography at least

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15 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1679825927724.png (584.61 KB, 640x636, ClipboardImage.png)  

>хохліще запалилося на недоречному використанні термінів (або просто звичка від мамаші — все погане називати ноцистським-фошистським, хулі з плебеїв узяти), а тепер звинувачує в неосвіченості іншу людину, щоб хоч якось приховати випадаюче зі штанів лайно
Можеш поскаржитися у твіторі на погану ноцистську р0СНЮ Сергою Сперменку, тебе там зрозуміють, 100%


Та до пізди. Що, комігниль, що нацискам, рашисти, офніки, радфємки - сорта гівна для підлітків на гормонах.


>Тупе чмо- малоросик продовжує вигадувати хуйню анітрохи не розбираючись в питанні ідеологічної і політичної системи ворога

Я вже починаю сумніватись чи дійсно ти тупе неосвічене чмо чи просто ботик.


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>пиздіти хуйню, вішати побільше ярликів і ніхуя не підкріплювати аргументами
Хохліще классік



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 No.3823[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Giải trí buổi tối.
102 posts and 94 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1679347168724.jpg (125.63 KB, 900x506, 275965542_3024160124501826….jpg)  

Ngươi Nga không được phép qua!



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Tintin và ma của Kyiv.



Kyiv, nicht KIEV




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