This country has to be one of the worst shitholes in the world
a) One of the hardest countries to get sex. All women are both feminist whores and ultraconservative islamists at the same time. They dress up like whores, flirt with everyone yet don't let anyone touch them.
b)You get jailed and stabbed in prison for false rape accusation. There are no trials, no proof required in order to convict you.
c) Everything thats pleasureable is taxed to death. cigarette prices are 95%+ tax, alcohol is even more expensive than norway, gaming consoles have special taxes for them, phones have over 100% tax, cars have over 400% tax(real. a car that costs 2000€ in germany is sold here for 40000€)
d) High interest rates, horrible inflation (100%, prices double each year) and government fakes statistics
e) 1 million documented, probably 2 million refugees in total. syrian,paki,afghan,iranian,central asian,african all of worlds filth. some of them return to their countries because this place is even worse.
f) One of the worst passaports in the world bar afghanistan etc.
g) Winns take pictures of people who don't give up their seats for elderly in public transport and lynch them.
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