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Friendly hello from
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File: 1597405938177.png (62.93 KB, 1080x333, 3chanрусский.png)  

У нас есть русский переведённый файл.
For when it goes open source.


>Автор фашист!
>posting from Spain IP
Caudillo would be glad to see that.


Repeat the phrase in human language, pigdog.


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Greetings, my fellow shitposters.
I was just wondering, what is the general opinion here on russia, crimea and the things that are happening the east right recently?


> what is the general opinion here on russia, crimea
Kill them with fire.
> the things that are happening the east right recently
Do you mean protests in Belarus?


>general opinion here on russia


This place will have to go through a deep cleansing after it's returned home. Will need to get rid of all the russian pigs that moved in there.

>east right recently

If you're talking about Belarus, relative to us it's not East, but North.


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by east I mean Donbass etc.
My guess would be that Ukrainians will have a very negative attitude against russia because of what they do to you right now.
But then again, imageboards are famous for being full of people who often have "alternative" opinions on things and often dont go with the mainstream flow.
So I was wondering what kinds of people will I find here.

>pics unrelated


National imageboards are usually pretty nationalistic in general. Ukrainian one is no exception.

Glory to Ukraine, fuck the our clown president and fuck rashka.


Is porn allowed in here?

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you guys are complete pussies. You said you wanted a race war, well now it's here and you pathetic incel losers are just sitting at home jacking off. You faggots are all talk. You guys won't do shit because you're nothing but a little pussy!
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It's probably a proxy.


I won't be suprised if this guy is really from HK. I've seen a Sudanese on this board, so who knows.


What's a Sudanese?


You lost your flag, man.


And yeah, turn off sage.

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I wish I could go on a date with Amicus.

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Good chan


good but half dead



Why is it so slow?


I have no clue tbh. Maybe because nobody is interested to make threads on /int/.

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How come this place doesn't pick up pace at least on the weekends?

I would've thought we'd at least get a "what you playan', watchin', drinkin'" thread, or something of the sort.


It's funny, but this place actually loses activity on weekends. Maybe people spend them outside, like living the life to its fullest? Who knows.


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I know I ain't living life to the fullest


Nobody truly lives in these darkest days.


That feel when Covid19 didn't kill you

Feels sad man

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https://discord.gg/jsZCWKx only fun TRANNIES tbh


Wtf is this? There are only two guys on the server.


>Fun trannies


Discord is lame. There is https://licky.org.


What are advantages of Licky?

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Podarujcie mi Międzymorze, kocham moich polskich, litewskich, a zwłaszcza białoruskich braci!
Różni nacjonalistyczni głupcy nie powinni nas rozłączać, ponieważ los nas połączył! Historyczne kłótnie również nie powinny nas rozdzielić! Na przykład tragedia Wołyńska jest obopólną zbrodnią i tragedią, z której w żadnym wypadku nie można spekulować ani być dumnym! Poza tym sprowokowana przez Niemców, a potem przez komunistów!

Tylko równość, współpraca i pokój! Za naszą i waszą wolność, bracia!
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Яку країну означає трикутник, поруч із Німеччиною?




Do you really think Baltics give a shit about Ukraine?

Also, population of Latvia is smaller than population of Kharkiv Oblast alone.


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Who do you think has better chances of defending if rashka crosses borders?

Baltics, of course, because NATO


Why do you hate Romania?

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Does anyone know if there are any nudes or sex vids leaks of Sabrina Carpenter?
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Why don't you post some?
I keep seeing this thread everywhere


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anyone know if there are any nudes or sex vids leaks of Sabrina Carpenter out there?


Seen this around alot aswell, who even is she? Any relation to John Carpenter the director? Charisma Carpenter the chick from Buffy and Angel? Jennifer Carpenter the hot reporter from Quarantine?


Literally who?



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Is zchan dead for good? I haven't been able to access it since yesterday.

WebM unrelated.
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Ukraine is my greatest ally


Then give the people of Z-chan an invitation to Nichan, welcome. Always happy to share the shelter.


zchan is dead and gone by now, its users scattered through all the imageboards.

A good number of zchan users came from 420chan, so maybe try /b/ there?

Besides, 420chan is chill. I just don't want this place blowing up with shitposters from places like Kaycee.


Good to see fellow anons are currently nomads like me discovering other IB's in the hopes of finding /comfy/ places.
Just in case you're out of the loop, zchan is going to have a sucessor soon(tm) some anon named Sturgeon is going to be behind it, i wouldn't get my hopes up though given whats going on. i feel like no one really likes /v/ much due to the overabundance of normalfags that associate with it, Mark, GG madness and overall drama, can't really blame them.
Plenty of good imageboards out there, like this one.
Haven't been to 420 in a year or 2. Thought most users came from 8kun/Julay/Cakechan


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Well, I look forward to zchan coming back up, if what you say is true.

It was relatively cozy. Few IBs are cozy anymore.

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