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File: 1677599877760.png (1.24 MB, 1392x1384, 1676821501957208.png)  


Agent tr00n will never be a woman

File: 1622862981864.jpg (24.33 KB, 540x511, 1588871545305.jpg)  


In the newest updates of the game, Amicus is legitimately turning abusive, and I don't like it, Bezos.

It's almost like the devs decided to deconstruct the idea of a perfect husbando by showing how someone from his position could come to act condescendingly and gaslight you without ever knowing what they were doing was wrong.
4 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1627994156689.png (136.3 KB, 781x781, ClipboardImage.png)  


reddit board


What are you talking about?





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File: 1676967875522.png (77.28 KB, 250x248, 20546A61-5A93-4A58-B45A-33….png)  


join the warzone dudes :^)



Бляха, що тут твориться, чого в мене показує прапор Австрії?


Я взагалі чомусь чех


Їбать, тепер я вже американець



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selamun alejkum alta


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Почему этот диалект польского ещё не предан забвению?
14 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1670175527622.png (453.45 KB, 640x640, 456352413.png)  

Komi-san đến thăm nước Ukraina


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Lực lượng Anime của Ukraina


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Xin chúc mừng, Lực Lượng Vũ Trang của Ukraina!


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Các cô gái đang chơi.


Вони самі не можуть визначитись. То діалект польскої, то "малоросскоє нарєчіє", то ще якусь дичину видумують. Я на це вже навіть увагу не звертаю.

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I have been looking everywhere now for the last two years for her Leaks and have no luck on the clearweb well from the usual places and have no idea where else to look for them and I know they are real cos I've not nor have I ever seen the picture used for the sampler teaser anywhere online like any of her social media sites and like to ask if anyone here has any ideas where else I could look for them.



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The naggers are conducting a reign of terror by committing massive amounts of violent crime around the globe, and the joos have their back.

We will not live in fear of naggers, nor will we be governed by joos.

The joos and naggers are working to take people's minds through an overwhelming stream of disinformation and propaganda.

The liberal culture we see in the west is a jooish fabrication.


See https://naggers.net for more information.


The joos own the governments and media in the west.
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Talk about preaching to the choir bro. U spam this shit on every altchan. Maybe send this shit to people who are not already racist. We already hate nigs. Why tell us stuff we know already. Like wow black people commit crime??? Who knew.

File: 1668652243220.png (69.5 KB, 1054x526, apustaja-mic.png)  


Adieu Curé, je t'aimais bien
Adieu Curé, je t'aimais bien tu sais
On n'était pas du même bord
On n'était pas du même chemin
Mais on cherchait le même port

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When I get high, I get high on speed
Top fuel funny car's a drug for me
My heart, my heart
Kickstart my heart
Always got the cops coming after me
Custom built bike doing 103
My heart, my heart
Kickstart my heart

Ooh, are you ready girls?
Ooh, are you ready now?

Whoa, yeah
Kickstart my heart, give it a start
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