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File: 1677549173406.jpg (9.7 KB, 255x232, swirl.jpg)  




No u


Don't you have penis ?


Open this video on Youtube


Why modern internet does not let you be a free schizo anymore?

No safe places for shitposting mental illness

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Amicus-kun and Venezuela-kun, if you'll be here, just write something, i need to know you're still alive or not :D
5 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I moved to Bogota in July
Got a job in a call center but was fired in January, now I'm renting a room out of Bogota thinking about what to do.

Attached picture of Bolívar with a pigeon on his head


Meanwhile enjoying walking around, not bad


But you were a english teacher, what happened?


In Venezuela
I haven't validated my degree in Colombia
And as I do not have experience in renowned institutions it's almost impossible to work as a teacher here with a Venezuelan degree


I've been even thinking about going back to get experience in private schools now that I have enough money for a couple of months but I'm don't really want to

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Agent tr00n will never be a woman

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In the newest updates of the game, Amicus is legitimately turning abusive, and I don't like it, Bezos.

It's almost like the devs decided to deconstruct the idea of a perfect husbando by showing how someone from his position could come to act condescendingly and gaslight you without ever knowing what they were doing was wrong.
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reddit board


What are you talking about?





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join the warzone dudes :^)



Бляха, що тут твориться, чого в мене показує прапор Австрії?


Я взагалі чомусь чех


Їбать, тепер я вже американець



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selamun alejkum alta


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File: 1661010138480-0.png (491.93 KB, 1280x3291, Суть диалекта польского.png)  


Почему этот диалект польского ещё не предан забвению?
14 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Komi-san đến thăm nước Ukraina


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Lực lượng Anime của Ukraina


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Xin chúc mừng, Lực Lượng Vũ Trang của Ukraina!


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Các cô gái đang chơi.


Вони самі не можуть визначитись. То діалект польскої, то "малоросскоє нарєчіє", то ще якусь дичину видумують. Я на це вже навіть увагу не звертаю.

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I have been looking everywhere now for the last two years for her Leaks and have no luck on the clearweb well from the usual places and have no idea where else to look for them and I know they are real cos I've not nor have I ever seen the picture used for the sampler teaser anywhere online like any of her social media sites and like to ask if anyone here has any ideas where else I could look for them.



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