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This sunrise was beautiful
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I remember how in the summer before the storm, the sky and everything around changed color from yellow to red and then to blue. Something reminiscent of Emission in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.


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Yesterday's sunrise.


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No, this is not a lake. This is the road after the rain.


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fugg :DDD
Spain-like XD
(ok no)


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>that horizon

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Bune, Bune, Bune!

Wehl Melan Avage Bune Tasa


wtf you're trying to say

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Are there hot milfs?


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Is a milf with a temperature of 38.1°C considered hot?

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Today I have to go out
But I'm not ready for this
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My antisocial friend, everything is very simple, although it seems complicated. You put on overalls, take a bolt in your hands and throw it in front. If nothing happened, move on.


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Now everybody is using masks (it seems that now the police is really enforcing it)

Even in the bakery they sprayed our hands with alcohol and had to stay away from each other


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In Ukraine, unfortunately, everyone is indifferent to quarantine, although the number of patients is constantly growing. Quarantine requirements are followed purely for formality.


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Before corona once I stayed 10 minutes in a bakery without saying a word because I didn't know what to say or how to tell what I wanted, then a worker asked me what I'd want to buy (that's why I prefer supermarkets, less interaction, but there's no supermarkets close)

But I'm improving, little by little


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here it's also the same in some places u.u

but it's still good to know that some stores do their best, becasue here the frontier with Colombia never was closed (I mean, illegal crossings are very active, and they don't have any regulation)

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Does Bezos have a bf (or a gf, if he's into that)?
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Pity but no.


Consider a bf from nichan.


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wtf I've just seen


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I think it's showing what Bezos wants to do to me

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All glories to Lord Bune, the Duke! I praise his name, Bune!

Wehl Melan Avage Bune Tasa


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This board is under the protection of the god Perun.

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I wanted to do boxing, tennis, or swimming, but everything is closed, so I bought some extenders to improve my physical condition.
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When I sleep well, like 4 times a day, now I eat between 4 and 2. Since I am sedentary, I have to eat about 1800 carolias a day, but about 3000 a day. But I never had a set time to eat, or to have breakfast.


>Isn't it cold when you walk?
Yeah, it's cold a little in autumn, but I rather like this. Walking in summer is sort of awful thing to do due to that damn hot weather.


Hot weather? In Ukraine? I guess it shouldn't be more than 20 degrees.


Haha, not really, bez. Summer is pretty hot here, up to 30°C usually.


My dream
Most of the time summers here stay around 39°C and 41°C

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Do we need this? No actually
Do we have enough people to do this? Maybe
So why bloody not

Entonces anones, no hablo espanol pero que ten hacido esa semana?
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Hize mi ejercicio

Hoy es viernes: voy a ir a la oficina hasta las 5, y despues, es tiempo de ponerme a tomar. Quizas tendre amigos que tomen conmigo, no lo se todavia.


I wonder if Portuguese and Spanish are mutually intelligible?


Well, I can understand Latin American Spanish extremely easily, it is sometimes easier than to understand Portugal portuguese



Esta semana empezó difícil si te soy sincero, pero este día fue muy comfy, alegrándome bastante y calmándome el alma. Ahora estoy viendo las estrellas

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My mom prepared Babaganoush and this time she added Olive oil instead of soybean oil and it was wayyyy better
If only olive oil weren't so expensive over here... I could enjoy more recipes with it
Bezos likes baba ganoush ?
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It isn't tasty XD but it's cheap (0,30$ 1kg)
It's pretty much tasteless, a little bitter, but with guacamole is great


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(I'll do my best)


I hug you all.



cutest thing I've seen today

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