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Greetings! Our finnish imageboards /int/ is in desperate need for some cultural enrichment. Drop by to say hi and maybe throw a meme or two if you have a chance. Thanks in advance!


yli is dood

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Welcome to [spam] Yes, this imageboard resurrected again.
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Sadly, it now blocks connections from outside Ukraine (or maybe outside Europe?)
Including on /int/


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Test. Testing. Testavannie.


>Access denied
wew lad


No-longer-RIP Hispa


I've just remembered x.998fun.com/int
It's unfortunate that its dead now

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Let me tell you from the start. I am with crypto since I was in class 7. And its been already 8-9 years, I haven't hold anything yet. But day by day, crypto become the most favourite things of mine.

I passed my J.S.C ( Junior School Certificate ), S.S.C ( Secondary School Certificate & H.S.C ( High School Certificate ) with a grade point (GPA) of 5.00 (A+). The journey was great. But problem start when my father died after the time of S.S.C. After the H.S.C I learned about graphics design, and started freelancing to earn money. But at this point in my life not being able to get any orders. I try telegram marketplaces, facebook and linkdin also to search for clients. Though I got some orders but now its being so difficult for me. I searched for part time job then. I also got one, anyhow, it was going. But its been 3 months I lost my job. I am in 3rd year right now. Just one more year left to complete my graduation.

I don't know what to say or how to say as I am really ashamed of it. I need almost $2k in this semester but for me its being really impossible to manage this amount. I really doesn't had any option left without post on the board. At least please an anon response to me. I strictly hate begging but, I don't know will you help me or not. But if you could help that would helps me to complete my graduation.

My mother always wanted me to see as a police officer but without completing the graduation its impossible for me.

Its not like that I don't earn well or beg from people, its not like that. But this time, I am empty. Sometimes life is kind of hard to struggle, that time we need a helping hand very badly.

I really don't want to lose my educational career. Badly want to complete my graduation. Please consider a bit, your little bit consider will save my entire education career.

If needed i can also send you my face record video evidence or also my live location or even any documents like my government issued identity card so that you don't think I am lying for free money. Anyway you may help me out Anon?

> If someone can help me out, send me an email to [email protected]

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--- Sorry for the English, I'm not familiar with Cyrillic writing ---

For displaced ukrainians looking for a new life in another country:


Uruguay (Уругвай) is a low populated country (needs people to grow), availability of lands, bigger than Denmark, welfare, low crime rate, soft weather.

The following provinces / department are less populated then more space available to stablish a community there:

Rocha (Роча) -

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 No.159[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's chill out a little.
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Hush little baby don't you cry ~


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I was reading the threads on here, time passed


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Open this video on Youtube
I took my sleeping pills and now the nichanball moves and it's creepy so I can't make the thread I originally wanted to. Good night!

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People aren't sweating or barely sweating and the causes are the soaps,creams,rubs,swimming pools,hot tubs,etc,etc.The nerve and skin damage.Feeling hot,burning,throbbing,puffy,dizzy and sick.Itchy skin.The dry flaky skin.Rigid skin.Stuck with fingernail indentations.People aren't tanning.Monster scar faces.People are being balded by the shampoo,white hairs and grey hairs.The damage to our bodies is causing aging.People are dying and suicides.Blinding headaches,brain aneurysms and brain damage.People are being infected by the food and beverages and the poop and infection is stuck in the digestive tract and people smell snake venom.The beverages,injections,pills and foods are causing reproductive harm,impotence and sterility.Air bubbles in fluids in IV bags,tubes and syringes is being injected into people causing strokes and deaths.Dentists and surgeons are causing nerve damage,people are stuck with numb faces,chests and other body parts.The numbness bothers people as much as tooth pain.People are being euthanized at hospitals and hospices.Hospital devices radiation damage.Operating table and bed murders.Loud music in the cars backseat and ear drops are causing deafness.People are being poisoned,burned,infected,plugged,numbed,brain tumors,blinded,damaged,aged,crippled and balded by the shampoo,pills,gravity,working,stress,soaps,creams,rubs,people,viruses,bacteria,mouthwash,nasal cleaners,eyedrops,beverages and foods.Sniffing deaths.Pins,etc,etc in the food and beverages.


Дис какнедіан іс менталі ілл, бро

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The causes of having a genius,omnipotence,superpeople,great minds.To get a starship.A replicator.A miracle.The need.Air smog.Each thing has a spectrum.The parts of the spectrum of each thing that have the opposite reaction to the parts of the spectrums which cause aging,retards,sickness,etc,etc and there's the other parts in the middle (example - the berry spectrum has the healthiest berries and poisonous berries and the other berries in the middle).Cravings.The elements.Vitamins,metals and minerals.By taking a supplement.Eating or drinking the same thing again and again or a combination of things or not eating or drinking much.Problems to get,find or make foods.Having smart or physical body's to get the things eaten.Processed or natural foods.


Де фак?!

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The causes of having a genius,omnipotence,superpeople,great minds.To get a starship.A replicator.A miracle.The need.Air smog.Each thing has a spectrum.The parts of the spectrum of each thing that have the opposite reaction to the parts of the spectrums which cause aging,retards,sickness,etc,etc and there's the other parts in the middle (example - the berry spectrum has the healthiest berries and poisonous berries and the other berries in the middle).Cravings.The elements.Vitamins,metals and minerals.By taking a supplement.Eating or drinking the same thing again and again or a combination of things or not eating or drinking much.Problems to get,find or make foods.Having smart or physical body's to get the things eaten.Processed and natural foods.

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I haven't been on here in a while, how is everyone doing?

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24/7 shitposting is soulless


Yesterday the bus my office has for the night shift almost leaves without me, 2 clients had many inquiries and had to stay 20 minutes after the end of my shift alone in the office with my supervisor, night shift was harder than expected


>2 clients had many inquiries and had to stay 20 minutes after the end of my shift alone in the office with my supervisor

I hate it when this happens to me, mainly because of autism and I hate having my routine disrupted. Staying late at work means I'll be late to the gym, which will mean I'll get home late, which means I have to rush dinner, have less time for drawing, less time to relax, etc....


Sup. I made an Amicus drawing for you once, if you remember me. It kinda sucked.


>how is everyone doing?
still alive, but now in a place where i cannot wear clothes without sweating
t. Venezuela

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