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Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Führer!


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An diesem Tag, um 18:30 Uhr, wurde der Führer des deutschen Volkes, Adolf Hitler, in Braunau am Inn geboren. Er lebte sein ganzes Leben im Kampf und trat in der für Deutschland schwierigsten Zeit in der politischen Arena auf, als 13% seines Territoriums annektiert wurden, als Deutschland mit Milliarden von Wiedergutmachungen und unglaublichen Einschränkungen belagert wurde, als sein moralischer Verfall und Niedergang begann. Seitdem hat Adolf Hitler ständig und fanatisch für die Wiederbelebung seiner Heimat, für den Wohlstand seines Volkes gekämpft. Er ging zu dem Ziel, das er als die Mission seines Lebens betrachtete, er liebte sein Volk unendlich und war bereit, seinen Kopf für sie zu legen.

Adolf Hitler brachte Deutschland in 6 Jahren aus dem Niedergang und war bereit, seinen Zweck weiter zu erfüllen, aber alle Pläne wurden durch den Zweiten Weltkrieg vereitelt, der von Polens und westlichen Mächten trotz Hitlers ständiger Vorschläge zur Abrüstung und Schaffung von heimtückisch gelöst wurde ein gemeinsames europäisches Bündnis, das langfristigen Frieden in Europa garantieren sollte. Und zum Zeitpunkt des Todes seiner Heimat floh er während seiner Todesangst nicht als schamloser Feigling, sondern starb mit ihr in Berlin.

Zieg heil, Adolf Hitler!

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On this great day, April 12, 1961, a resident of Zhytomyr, Sergіi Korolіоv, put a Muscovite Yura in a rocket and launched a fuck into space!

Muscovite Yura was the third animal (after two dogs) to fly into space.

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Is the nichan Volunteer Corps been given the order for deployment at any minute?




alert level defcon 2
start general mobilisation immediately

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>When a terrorist organization accuses government for civil rights violations
This is pretty much black comedy right now


І thought that the activities of terrorist organizations in Latin America had subsided.


yes, they had
when compared to the 80s and 90s

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Long day at work today, which left me with no motivation to go running.

I know not running will just make me feel more depressed.

So just got home now. Such cases.


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>which left me with no motivation to go running. I know not running will just make me feel more depressed
yes, that sucks
- like a vicious circle

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That feel when no Amicus to spend evenings with.


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It truly is a tragic kind of feel, Bezos.


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This is all I crave


Yep. Still no amicus.


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Don't remind me

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, I found it by chance which language is used more English or Ukrainian?
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¡Las Malvinas son ucranianas!

it's /int/, here we speak english


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you can speak any language here


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> ¡Las Malvinas son ucranianas!
La nombre es de la palavra "malva", porque es una planta tradicional ucraniana. 🙃

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Today I was detained by police for driving without a license, documents and license plates. Yes, I am guilty, no doubt, but what a degenerate creature is a policeman.

I speak to him in perfect Ukrainian, intelligently choosing words and sometimes joking - he laughs with the words "you need to disassemble into quotes, gagaga." What a pitiful and insignificant cattle hе is.

The situation was resolved by 500 hryvnias, but the impressions are frankly fucking.
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Today I was stopped the driver without a license, documents and license plates. Yes, I am faggot, no doubt, but what a degenerate creature is a driver.

I speak to him in perfect surdgeek, intelligently choosing words and sometimes joking - he laughs with the words "you need to disassemble into quotes, gagaga." What a pitiful and insignificant cattle hе is.

The situation was resolved by 500 hryvnias, but the impressions are frankly fucking.


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Fuck cops. They may not be as openly corrupt here in the Us, but they're still pig cunts and it's better to avoid them.




Always Carry A Bible, hhh

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You enter lörs room and find pic-related lying on your bed. How do you proceed?
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I've seen a lot of pictures of that wolf on this board, so I've decided to play/read the VN.

It was a mistake.

Now I kinda hate him V_v"

IDK, if I were making the choice, I'd tase the wolf when the ship were approaching the star (can't get to call him Amicus, certe non est amicus, nomen falsus habet).

For me, being taken as a pet to unknown land sounds like a fate worse than death. And burning in a star together with the enemy might doesn't sound as bad compared to the alternative.

The wolf is hot, I can't deny this, but he's evil.

I probably won't finish the VN, let's assume my character just heroically died in the star, taking the evil wolf kidnapper with him.


> nomen falsum habet
Correctio cita, Latine longe non locutus sum


Hop in to cuddle with my lad.


Fuck him, anyway.

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Why has Ukraine not become the bread basket that everyone thought it would?


Because of those perfidious Rossiyans

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