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/pol/ - Knowledge is the Key, whoever is superior have the Knowledge that you don't have, Secret societies members ranks different than the other due to their knowledge level, those people whose think that they know better than all of you whose don't know for the

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Підтримайте Українську Армію! Support Ukraine! Слава Україні!

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Knowledge is the Key, whoever is superior have the Knowledge that you don't have, Secret societies members ranks different than the other due to their knowledge level, those people whose think that they know better than all of you whose don't know for the Nation's interest, but actually its for their own interest, and we all are nothing but collateral casualties for them, they Brain wash us through our schools, closing our conscious, blinding our eyes to the reality and the facts around us to realize the knowledge that we suppose to have in order to retrieve one mandatory thing, its our true Rights, our Humane Rights that you do know from within, and have no clue if it exist, the Rights that we lived seeing others enjoying it while we are suffering Hunger and Deprivation, they didn't even stop, as they think that they superior than us, they thinks that they have to control us, manipulate us, vaccinate us, limit our existence, eliminate our own children, because we grow in numbers to the extend that they cannot tolerate, so they go with a plan from the beginning, but something they didn't plan for have came up, their whole story have leaked out, and a new knowledge have awakened early, that's why they have rushed everything to push the people to be vaccinated as soon as they can, so they cant think, or act, here is the knowledge that will make you superior than all of them, know what this is all about and awaken your consciousness:-

The System Name: System 37 (RXMHQ)

Description: Complete System that replace all the current invalid systems retrieving the humanity looted Rights back.

Status: Activated but the current systems succeeded to hide it from the minds.

Attempts: So many bases in different platforms have been made about it, and all of it has been banned by the systems to nullify the chance of knowing it.

System Slogan: System 37 has been created to eliminate all the current invalid systems around the Nations decades ago, such invalid systems that caused the Chaos we Human beings are living now... all this about to change once you have the knowledge...

The System preparatory Pages (site):

The System (PDF):


що це робить поза /int/?


Це спам. Йому похуй.


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чому невдахи говорять про що-небудь хороше і правильне "спам"?


Касата котомарата піздя азім-азім.
Хочете пенсію? Хуй вам всім!
Істинно викликаю дух Джясона, Бахвомета всіх загнувших у боротьбі тяжкій Мустахвів та Тарасхвів! Шоб не було підарасхвів!


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ніі ти не можеш ненавидити антихриста


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Знову анон пігулки не випив


Та пішов ти на хуй, сатаніст їбучий!1! Діти у школах недоїдають із-за тої падли, а ти про знання тут, блядь, розвів.


>Та пішов ти на хуй, сатаніст їбучий!1! Діти у школах недоїдають із-за тої падли, а ти про знання тут, блядь, розвів

тема зовсім інша, перекладай і ви зрозумієте, отримаєте червону таблетку.


Я жовті їм. Мені вдосталь.


У часи білого хладу головне - не їсти жовтий сніг


От від таких інцидентів цікавих як раз і п'ю. Допомагає триматися за голову, бо останній раз ТАКА хуйня в неї лізла, що ОПові маразми - дитячі забавки. Їбав я ці новорічні свята. Раніше якось легше було, а зараз серденько погрожує стати від тихого шелесту та раптового світла за вікном. Не весело. Дохуя розписувати, коротше.